What do you want to create in 2016?
The truth is very simple- your life can only take one path
and it’s either going to be the path that you consciously
create or the path you unconsciously create. What does that
mean? It means that unless you are setting intentions and
goals for yourself, you’re living a life designed by your
subconscious mind, one that is driven more out of fear, old
patterns and past beliefs than one that is aligned with who
you are today.
Are you living a life you are creating unconsciously every day instead of one you have intentionally
designed? If the answer is no, don’t miss another day or let another New Year’s Resolution slip away.
Below are the 3 most powerful and simple steps you can take to start achieving your dreams and live the
extraordinary life you have been longing for.
What is the difference between a dream and a goal? Simple, a goal is: a dram that is written down and
has an inspired action plan attached to it.
Step 1:
In order to achieve your dreams, you must first set your intention; dream it, verbalize it, write it down and send it out into the universe.
Step 2:
You must have an inspired action plan that you are willing to coconsciously and consistently commit to.
Step 3:
You must attach images and feelings to your dream. How will you feel once you’ve achieved your goal? What does your life look like?
This is where you get to create new habits, invoke passion back into your life, reclaim your happiness and ignite your life!
What do you want to CREATE in 2015? Don’t worry about the HOW, WHY or WHEN. Just dream!
Click HERE to download your 2016 Creation Worksheet!