FLC Rehab

Hormone Help for Women Looking to Reclaim their Body, Balance & Sanity 

Have you experienced hormonal symptoms like excessive bleeding, 
bloating,  irregular periods,  fibroids,  insomnia, and/or irritability?






Do you feel exhausted and are unable to lose weight (like the weight won’t budge!) but your thyroid and hormone blood work are all “within range”? 


Do you experience cramps and fatigue that wipes you out for days?



Tired Woman 3


Do you experience hormonal headaches you’ve tried to manage and just deal with?




Do you experience severe mood swings ranging from depression or anxiety to outright rage?



Have you lost your mojo and drive for sex?


If you’re anything like the women  I’ve worked with, you’re tired of being told that you’re perfectly “healthy” and yet you feel like crap.

Or, that the reason you’re feeling irritable, bleeding for days, are exhausted and unable to lose weight is just that you’re “getting older” or because you’re ” a mom of 3″.  

Worst yet, have been prescribed “an antidepressant” because maybe it’s all just in your head. 

Have you thought to yourself that this may be your new normal? 

We are all here to tell you, that everything you have been told to accept as an “inevitable” part of aging or about being a woman is simply not true. 

You can feel and look vibrant, balanced, and fit again even as you age! You just need to learn the secrets and be given the right tools to bring you back to balance. 

If this sounds like you, I know exactly how you feel and I want you to know you’re not alone.

I’ve been in your shoes and so have hundreds of women I’ve worked with.

Are you ready to begin your journey toward vibrant health? Your journey towards becoming balanced, happy, fit and radiant again? 


I have personally witnessed hundreds of women go from feeling like crap to transforming their health with the rituals, knowledge, and tools you’ll receive in this program. 



“I came to Keri because I literally thought I was losing it.  I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. I was bursting into tears, couldn’t find motivation, was raging at my husband and children and felt alone.   I was afraid that I was heading down the same path my mother did in her early 40’s. Keri quickly assured me that what I was experiencing were significant hormonal imbalances. Within literally 3 days of getting on the program, I found myself again! I felt balanced, engaged, and joyful again. Thank you for giving me my life back!” Amy 


“I feel alive again! My monthly headaches are gone. My cycle is beginning to feel more balanced.  I’m no longer in bed for 3 days with massive bleeding and excruciating cramping.”

“I feel amazing!  I cannot believe I spent 32 years thinking that living a life of daily exhaustion was normal. It’s not! I no longer need to take a nap daily, I feel hopeful and alive in a way I couldn’t ever imagine. “I cannot thank you enough.” Denise

“I’m waking up rested without an alarm for the first time in my life! I feel like a new person and have a whole new lease on life.” Kali

Are you ready to Reclaim your Body, Balance, and Sanity?

Here’s what the program entails: 

fit at 40 bullet

Seven, 60-minute weekly classes that can be attended in person or virtually, online. Where you can ask questions, receive support and be giving invaluable tools for life long health, happiness &  hormonal balance.  

fit at 40 bullet

Learn how to naturally balance your hormones and regain your patience & sanity. Keri will help you identify whether you thyroid, progesterone, estrogen or adrenals are imbalanced.



fit at 40 bulletDiscover what foods, herbs, & supplements support your energy, vitality and hormonal health.


fit at 40 bulletLearn how to get rid of fatigue for good and how to regain your energy, & youthful vitality.


fit at 40 bulletLearn daily health hacks & high vibe rituals to raise your energy, happiness and get your mojo back.



Fit and Fabulous is about helping you rediscover your Joyspot. The place where you feel balanced, radiant, healthy and alive again.

It’s about teaching you how to identify where your body is out of balance and how to support it. It about giving you simple forms of nourishment.  Providing you with healthy daily rituals that make a practice into a routine/habit. It’s about connecting/exploring the activities that bring you pleasure and allow you to move and play again. I’ll provide the science, direction and sustainable nutritional solutions that will help you profoundly transform your health, balance your hormones and ignite your life and light! 


My mission is to teach you how to regain your youthful vitality,

feel hormonally and emotionally balanced again,

shed unwanted body fat, sleep soundly, & regain your sexual mojo! 


These life-long secrets have already helped hundreds of women just like you!

Here’s your chance to join me and an intimate tribe of women as we RECLAIM our balance, body, and sanity!


sign up today

