revive and THRIVE

  • Would you like to simplify and clean up your diet without spending hours prepping and cooking?  
  • Would you like to streamline your workouts and cut the amount of time you spend at the gym in half but make them twice as effective?
  • Would you like to learn how to spend as little at 10-15 minutes per day to de-stress and let go of overwhelm?
  • Would you like to feel more pleasure and purpose in your daily life?
  • Would break free from nagging cravings and unhealthy eating habits that keep you stuck and feeling out of control?
  • Would you like accountability to to help you stay on track and focused? 


me with pomsJoin Restorative Nutritionist, Keri Brooks for REVIVE and THRIVE simple Holiday Reset. Take 7-Days to hit the pause button and reset your mindset, habits and health.

Revive and THRIVE is a 7-day reset that will help you simplify & clean up your diet, streamline your workouts, destress, let go of toxic habits, and reconnect with your JOYSPOT creating radical change and lasting results FAST!

It’s Quick, Simple and Transformational!



What’s Included?

  • 60 minute Kick-off class where we will set expectations, describing exactly what to do to set yourself up for a successful week
  • Simple 7-day meal plan (only 1 meal per day to worry about) including several delicious 5-minute recipes.
  • Daily 10-15 minute meditation to help you destress and let go of overwhelm
  • Daily 20-minute (in-home or gym)  HITT training workout
  • Daily gratitude or Joyspot exercise
  • Daily inspiration in your inbox for support & direction to help you remain accountable
  • LIVE WRAP UP SESSION to help you strategize for the remaining 3 weeks and into the new Year.
  • Access to REVIVE and THRIVE online through the end of January
  • In Person session includes 2 metabolic weigh in’s


Stress and unresolved emotions can cause your body to hold onto excess weight and even steal your health and vitality right out from under you.

All of these create INFLAMMATION in our bodies!

Inflammation = Weight Gain

“If you don’t address inflammation by eliminating hidden food allergens or sensitivities and by eating an anti-inflammatory diet, you will never succeed at effective and permanent weight loss.”

– Dr. Mark Hyman

REVIVE YOUR LIFE 7 Day Detox will teach you how to shed excess toxins and identify food sensitivities that may be keeping you stuck, overweight, fatigued, and unhappy! It’s simple, short (only 7 days) and gentle and involves no deprivation or pain! Doable even for the novice! Take 7 Days to TRANSFORM your BODY inside and out!               

Revive and THRIVE Starts SOON!               

Regularly $79

NOW FREE with the purchase of a 14 Day Detox Kit

Can’t make the webinar? No problem. It will be recorded and emailed directly to you.

Will I really see results in just 7 days?

Yes, REVIVE and THRIVE Detox Program gives you the results you are looking for by removing and eliminating inflammatory foods & toxins and replacing them with nourishing whole foods, optional green smoothies to help you break through your weight loss resistance and reprogram your cells to let go of excess body fat and bloating!

What results can I expect from this 7-Day Detox?

  • Release and eliminate toxins allowing you to shed excess weight and jumpstart your metabolism
  • Identify hidden food sensitivities that are causing you to hold onto weight
  • Reduce cravings and hunger for foods that sabotage weight loss
  • Reduce inflammation and digestive issues, which is the major cause of bloating and many illnesses and disease
  • Reduce stress and practice mindfulness. As stress melts away your metabolism will be able to function optimally allowing you to reach your GOALS and live your DREAMS

“Through this program I was able to identify and remove foods I am sensitive to.”

After retiring about a year ago, I went on “vacation” mode. Although I got lots of exercise in my favorite sports, I was in a party mode and eating more snacks and social drinking. I gained weight. I decided I wanted to lose the weight and did make some changes on my own, but over time, my weight plateaued. Through this program I was able to identify and remove foods I am sensitive to, look at problem eating patterns more objectively and accelerate my weight loss. In addition, my joint pain and bloating went away. I am less sluggish in the morning and in general look and feel better. I really liked having a plan and the coaching to get past my resistance to change some of my unhealthy habits. This, along with being able to check-in made me feel committed. I loved that I received detailed well-organized handouts, along with the audio, of our training sessions, so I could review the materials as needed. I received positive reinforcement, which is different than plans I have been on in the past, and that worked very well for me.

Cher H.

 I created this reset program for several reasons:

  • A quick, simple reset is an effective way to create radical shifts in your mindset, health & habits. The problem is most people think change has to be painful and hard!
  • I know LIFE and TIME can get in the way of creating healthy habits and boundaries around food. REVIVE and THRIVE is designed with you in mind. Let me help you streamline your exercise, eating and mindfulness to provide maximum impact with a minimum time commitment possible.
  • I wanted to share simple, daily nourishing rituals to shift your mindset, de-stress, shed weight and connect with things that fill you up.
  • Change is exponentially powerful when it’s done in a supportive community verses trying to do it alone.   This program is designed to give you the support and inspiration you need to achieve amazing results amongst a supportive private online community.
  • To help you gain a profound, experience of how nourishing daily rituals are essential in creating powerful lasting change. 
  • Having supported hundreds of individuals, I often found that there are many questions along the way and know that having a coach will help keep you focused and improve your long term success.


Are you ready to transform the

way you look and feel?

The Results:

  • Hello skinny jeans! Shed an average of 3-5 lbs.
  • Say good-bye to cravings, unwanted weight gain, and bloating for good.
  • Feel energized, rested and great in your body again
  • Learn how to instantly de-stress, feel grounded, confident and at peace and no matter what busy environment you live in.
  • Streamline your workouts for the fastest fat burning !

Detox is NOT a dirty word! It’s about letting go of what doesn’t serve your body emotionally and physically anymore and reclaiming your POWER & PURPOSE!

“This program increased my ability to hone in on my symptoms and relate them back to my diet”

Before starting this program, I just ate whatever was in front of me without much thought. Now, I put more thought into what I eat and think about how what I’m about to eat will affect me. This program increased my ability to hone in on my symptoms and relate them back to my diet, which I never really took note of before the detox. I am more aware of my body and how I feel and how it is related to what I eat. I am very grateful for that! I now feel like making additional changes will be feasible. I am grateful for the experience and for the changes I feel.  Thanks so much!  I look forward to a better me in the future and thank you for putting me on the right path to healthier eating!

Niti W.

      Your Investment: 

Regularly $79

NOW $47



Local Participants also have the option of 2 Metabolic Weigh-In’s

During this program, you won’t need to take the week off from work, deny yourself the pleasure of delicious food or be chained to your bathroom floor.

Will I be hungry on the detox?

You may experience slight hunger the first two days of the detox, but you can always add in a snack, smoothie or green delicious green juice from the meal plans I have put together for you. The meal plans are packed with amazing recipes that will likely become favorites of yours, even after the detox.  

“Going through this program allowed me to feel like myself again.”

Before starting this program, I had been sick for a few months and was feeling very depleted. The detox program helped me get back on track and to make more of a commitment to taking care of myself.  As a massage therapist, I had heard about a lot of what was shared in the program, but I wasn’t implementing it for myself.  Going through this program allowed me to feel like myself again: my energy increased, my cravings decreased, and I feel better than I have in months. This program worked well for me because it was not too strict and allowed me to be open to following the program.  As a mom and business owner, I also loved the flexibility of being able to listen to the audios when it was convenient for me.

Shoshanna D.

 I’m ready to RESET my BODY in just 7 Days!

Regularly $99

NOW $79

Oakwood Athletic Club Lafayette, California. 


Live kickoff class and all class materials

Regularly $99


with Purchase of 14 Day Detox Kit

Purchase your kit below and be enrolled immediately.


REVIVE and THRIVE is a widely powerful approach to permanent weight loss and optimal health ! Get ready to to feel HAPPY, HEALTHY and VIBRANT in the NEW Year!  I can’t wait to have you join our AMAZING COMMUNITY centered around TRANSFORMATION, FUN & SUPPORT!  



In Gratitude,
