Useful Guides & Articles

Useful Guides, Articles and Resources

The Pesticide Shopper’s Guide from EWG (Download the PDF)
People Can Reduce Pesticide Exposure by 80 Percent Through Smart Shopping and Using this  Guide

Fats & Oils: Which to Eat & Which to Ditch
  from (Download PDF)
Learn which fats to use for cooking versus for cold applications in this handy, one-page guide.
Quality Matters: Food Quality Guide from  (Download PDF)Learn which types of protein, fats and carb from choices are the best you can buy for your money in this handy, one-page guide.
Grains, Gluten & Gluten/Grain Free Info


Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Read Here
Is Today’s Wheat Making you FAT Dr Oz Read More 
Will a gluten-free diet improve your health?Read Here
Study Sheds LIGHT on Gluten Sensitivity! FINALLY- READ Here
THe Hidden Damage Left behind from Gluten! Read Here
Trades Joe’s No Gluten Ingredients List  (Download PDF)
Please keep in mind that most of Trader Joe’s foods are precess on shared equiptment with wheat. Making cross contamination more likely
Making the initial transition to Gluten Free smoothly coming soon (Download PDF)
Study shows Saturated fat doesn’t cause HEART DISEASE Read More
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The GREAT Cholesterol Myth- Dr Steven Sinatra MD Integrative Cardioligist Read More 
The Diet- Hearth Myth- Cholesterol and Fat are not the Enemy Read More
Saturated Fat does not cause heart disease or high cholesterol- High Carb Diets do Read More
Fat and Cholesterol- Time to End the Low Fat Myth- Harvard School of Public Health Read More 
Dr. David Permutter ends the Eggs and Dietary Cholesterol Myth Read More
Patriotism on a Plate Robyn O’Brien Food Researcher Watch Here
Minding your Mitochondria How an MD healed herself from Multiple SclerosiWatch Here 
Listen to Dr. Terry Walh as she discuss how she used food to heal from Multiple Sclerosis Listen Here 
Addicted to caffeine? Did you know it can be sign of nutritional deficiencies? The good news- there are things that can help bring your energy back into balance and help you kick the habit for good without a single withdrawal symptom Read More