What would you give to get your energy back and
to feel rested & balance again?
Are you tired of being tired? Sure, a day to sleep in would be an absolute luxury but what if you could wake up every day feeling rested and alive again? What if you could make it
through the day without the need for caffeine, sugar or a glass of wine
because you have energy and a new found patience and love for life?
I’ve worked with thousands of women and can say that there are very few
women on this planet who wouldn’t want to regain their youthful energy and
vitality! Sadly, so many women believe the reason they’re tired is just
because they’re getting older or because they’re a mom of 3. Well,
guess what getting older and becoming a parent isn’t the cause. It’s because
of a silent, hidden, rarely discussed or recognized epidemic . It’s called
adrenal fatigue and it’s the number one cause of exhaustion. Even Hypothyroidism, can be cuased by adrenal exhaustion. If you don’t support and heal your adrenal function, your thyroid will only continue to get worse and cannot recover/heal.
Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms:
- I’m repeatedly tired no matter how much sleep I get.
- I need caffeine to get going in the morning.
- I get a second wind at night.
- I have trouble staying asleep.
- My ability to handle stress has decreased
- I’m easily irritated/upset/ impatient
- I’ve gained weight and have trouble taking it off
- I need something in the afternoon to give me a boost, usually sugar, carbs or caffeine.
I’ve found a way to give back! A way to reach & help more women.
It’s call FLC Rehab also known as Feel Like Crap Rehab
For the first time, I am offering an incredibly opportunity to get cutting edge
testing Adrenal Fatigue testing, a consultation with me and ongoing support
but at a $500 savings. More importantly, it’s your chance to feel like yourself again. For some of you, it’s your chance to feel better than you have in your entire life.
Here are what a few clients are saying about FLC Rehab!
“I feel amazing but am almost grieving for my old self. I cannot believe I spent 32 years thinking that living a life of daily exhaustion was normal. It’s not! I no longer need to take a nap daily, I feel hopeful and alive in a way I couldn’t ever imagine. “I cannot thank you enough.” Denise
“I’m waking up rested without an alarm for the first time in my life! I feel like a new person and have an whole new lease on life.” Kali
What you will receive:
You will receive an adrenal test kit sent to your house. You pay the lab directly but will receive my wholesale discount for your test kit. The lab fee is $106.
A 90-day nutrition & healing protocol
1 online group session to interpret test results and allow you to ask individual questions.
1 one-on-one 30-minute follow up phone consultation with me. ($150 value)
4 bi-monthly online Q&A sessions
Private Facebook group to ask questions and get ongoing support from me and an intimate group of women on this journey with you.
The cost of the program is $297.
That’s less than the cost of one consultation with me.
Here’s the catch!
This program is only available for the first 20 individuals
will expire Tuesday, June 21st at 11:59pst.
I’m ready! And want in!
Not sure but want to learn more?
Sign up for my FREE webinar, June 16th at 4:30pm PST.
Can’t make it? no problem.
Get registered below and you will automatically receive the recording.
Join me LIVE and ask me your burning questions about adrenal fatigue, thryoid issues or any other health concern you have!
Not ready to sign up but need support?
Start here with my FREE FLC Recovery Ebook.
What if I have to miss the Q&A sessions and/or test results interpretation session?
No problem! All sessions will be recorded and sent out to the entire group.
Questions can be emailed beforehand and will be answered on the call.
Do I have to go to a lab to get my blood drawn?
No. This is a salivary test. A test kit will be sent directly to you. The test must be completed at home within the first week you receive it and mailed back directly to the lab with the prepaid shipper.
When will we receive our test kits?
Test kits will arrive by Friday, July 1stth.
When should we do our test?
Testing is completed at home and should be completed by July 8th. Can only be shipped on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
How long does it take to get our results?
Test results take up to 10 days to receive . We will go over test results the week of June 6th.
When is online Q&A held?
Tuesday, July 26th from 5pm-6pm PST
Tuesday, August 9th, from 5pm-6pm PST
Tuesday, August 23rd, 5pm-6pm PST
Tuesday, September 6th, 5pm-6pm PST
When will my one-on-one consultation be?
It must be scheduled and used before September 30th, 2016 and is based on availability.
What will my healing protocol consist of?
You will receive dietary, lifestyle and supplementation recommendations. The supplements are an addition fee. A 30-day supply is approximately $100-$120 .