Chocolate Bark-Craving Crushers

Chocolate Coconut Oil Craving Crushers
Prep time
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This delicious recipe helps to crush sugar cravings, keeps your blood sugar balanced and boosts your metabolism.
Recipe type: Superfood
Cuisine: Paleo, gluten free, dairy free, cleanse friendly
Serves: 32 servings
  • ¾ cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup nut butter
  • 1 cup cacao powder
  • 1 tsp. vanilla (or to taste)
  • Sweetner:
  • ½-1 tsp. stevia (or to taste) or
  • ⅓ cup coconut palm sugar
  • Optional toppings:
  • Slivered almonds, cacao nibs, shredded coconut
  1. Melt the coconut oil in a small saucepan over medium low heat.
  2. Add cacao powder and nut butter and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add vanilla and sweetner to taste – just a little at a time will suffice – too much and it will start to taste bitter.
  4. Pour into 9×13 pan and sprinkle with slivered almonds.
  5. After about 1 hour. Simply break into pieces.
  6. Store in freezer. (They melt quickly at room temperature)
  7. Delicious superfood to crush cravings and boost your metabolism.