Digestion 911

Do you STRUGGLE with ONGOING, DIGESTIVE ISSUES or have been DIAGNOSED with a BOWEL disease?
stomach pain


Do you experience:

  • Chronic Bloating?
  • Constipation?
  • Diarrhea?
  • Heart Burn or GERD?
  • Gas?
  • Frequent nausea?
  • IBD, IBS, Crohn’s or Colitis?
  • Does food sit like a ROCK in your stomach?
  • Brain Fog?
  • Depression, anxiety or insomnia?

Digestion911 is a, comprehensive, proven, healing system that will help you RESTORE your DIGESTIVE SYSTEM and RESOLVE your PAIN and DISCOMFORT for GOOD!  

Are READY to finally have FREEDOM from the unpredictability of your stomach issues? FREEDOM from PAIN? Freedom from the anxiety and worry that comes with chronic, many times unexplained digestive problems? Freedom to feel comfortable in your clothes? Freedom to finally enjoy social events and weekend excursions?  If you are ready to finally have “normal” digestion that is free from pain and uncomfortable, many times embarrassing symptoms then your answer is only a phone call away. DIGESTION911 has helped hundreds of clients, resolve and completely eliminate their chronic digestive issues that have caused years of unnecessary pain, suffering and discomfort! DIGESTION911 is a groundbreaking, comprehensive system that blends unique targeted health testing, tailored nutritional therapies and systemic healing strategies that will RESTORE your digestion and eliminate the chronic symptoms you have been struggling with for years!

Here’s my secret – I have identified four internal reasons why your digestive tract becomes inflamed, unhappy, and imbalanced and stops working! The problem is- as so many have personally experienced, mainstream medicine either doesn’t test for these imbalances OR they don’t have a prescription drug that can resolve them. This is why DIGESTION911 is so different.

The key is in helping you identify not only WHY your DIGESTIVE TRACK is malfunctioning BUT also providing you with life-long tips, tools and strategies to keep it balanced, and pain free for good!

If you are ready to finally have “normal” digestion that is FREE from PAIN and UNCOMFORTABLE, many times embarrassing symptoms then your ANSWER is only a PHONE CALL AWAY.

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with IBS, IBD, GERD, Crohn’s, Peptic Ulcers, Colitis, or the “Unable to Poop” disease- even Chronic Fatigue, Rheumatoid arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Migraine headaches, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, – or are just plain TIRED of being UNCOMFORTABLE and want ANSWERS!

 HEALING and HOPE is possible. 

Open enrollment begins January 2016

Space is limited to 20 clients 

Class begin September 2015 and runs through November 2015.

Class will be held every other Thursday at 5pm PST. All classes will be recorded.

Weekly O&A will be held on Mondays from 11:30am-12:15pm PST

Hear what clients are experiencing on the program!

“My life has been forever changed! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a “regular” college experience and LIFE! I have formed stools, no pain and such improvements in my energy it’s astonishing! My MD is calling my recovery MIRACULOUS saying my colon is completely healed- ” 

Delaney Age 18 Ulcerative Colitis client who is no longer a candidate for a complete colectomy!

“After having been diagnosed with IBS 20 years ago. I was pushed to the limit of pain! I actually thought that i was going to die and might unable to go on! I am happy to say that I am nearly symptom free and even my bloating is only occasional now. ”  

Marcy 51 IBS suffer since 1989.

My tummy is flat for the first time in my life! My gas is gone, and I am finally experiencing what it’s like to have regular daily bowel movements! “

Jennifer 42 lifetime of bloated belly and chronic constipation despite eating a high fiber “healthy” diet